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The Awkward Silence are a sketch comedy double act. They're Ralph Jones and Vyvyan Almond. Yes, that's them on the right there - those gentlemen looking rather SILLY!

They've written and performed a range of stage shows - The Voyage of The Narwhal, Racketeers, The Bastard King, Bufo Bufo, The Awkward Silence's Big Break, and Enter the Vortex (now optioned for TV) - and in 2024 they're parading around their latest sketch show, Mind Milk. Recently they also released a five-part online series called Richer Than God: The Tony Milch Story.

They've been runners-up in the Leicester Square Theatre Sketch Off competition, won DAFTAs and British Comedy Guide Awards, and been shortlisted for both a BBC Writer's Prize and a Writers' Guild Award. Their material has been performed by people like John Finnemore, Ruth Bratt, Thom Tuck, and David Reed.


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Ralph is a freelance writer who has written for a range of places including The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Guardian, and GQ. In his time he has won a six-foot dildo throne and become best friends with Dwayne The Rock Johnson. He has also written two books, and is working on his third.

He has written for Radio 4 and runs a murder mystery improv night called Criminal, which he also performs in. His personal website is right here.

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Brought up in Greenwich (and yet somehow always late), Vyvyan is a part-time actor and illustrator with a fondness for Early Medieval Reenactment and folk singing.

A former member of The Oxford Revue, he has performed Shakespeare at the Saatchi Gallery and appeared as a member of perhaps the least popular team in the history of the television quiz show Only Connect.

If Vyvyan could only eat one meal every day for the rest of his life, he'd be quite put out.

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